
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Payment of Invoices Received

This functionality enables you to enter the amounts paid out on the invoices that you received and to automatically post all payment transactions to your General Ledger. 

Note that your Accounting module should have been activated by setting the beginning of the financial year at the menu System/Configuration/Accounting/Accounts Settings.

How to record payments made to suppliers

To record a payment made to suppliers (creditors) you go to Accounts->Purchases and Sales->Payment of Invoices received and a screen like the one below shows up:

Choose the mode of payment from the available radio button options e.g., "Cash".

Note that the invoice being paid should have been registered at Accounting->Purchases and Sales->invoices Received.

Click on the Save button to complete the payment and on the Cancel button to exit.

You can view a report on the payment of invoices made at Accounts->Purchases and Sales->Creditors Reports->Creditors Payments.

You can also print/modify/delete a payment by clicking on the Search Creditor's Payment button to retrieve it and then making the necessary changes or modifications before saving it again.

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